.. _topics-index: ================================================= bimpy - bundled imgui for python ================================================= .. toctree:: :caption: First steps :maxdepth: 5 :hidden: bimpy Welcome to bimpy |version| documentation! API: :doc:`bimpy` ================= .. |Downloads| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/bimpy :target: https://pepy.tech/project/bimpy .. |Build| image:: https://travis-ci.org/podgorskiy/bimpy.svg?branch=master :target: https://api.travis-ci.com/podgorskiy/bimpy.svg?branch=master .. |License| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg |Downloads| |Build| |License| **bimpy** is a python module that provides bindings to `dear imgui `__ and distributed as a self-contained package bundled with `glfw `__ and `gl3w `__. Features: * Allows to create immediate mode UI with python easily. The API is kept as close to the original dear imgui as possible. * **bimpy** already has all necessary functionality for window/OpenGL context creation and hides those details from the user. * **bimpy** supports multiple contexts and allows creating multiple windows. * **bimpy** works on Windows, GNU Linux, and macOS. * **bimpy** does not have dependencies and can be easely built from sources. Building relies only on distutils. * **bimpy** can display images from ndarrays, PIL Images, numpy arrays, etc., Hello-world with bimpy: .. code:: python import bimpy ctx = bimpy.Context() ctx.init(600, 600, "Hello") str = bimpy.String() f = bimpy.Float(); while(not ctx.should_close()): with ctx: bimpy.text("Hello, world!") if bimpy.button("OK"): print(str.value) bimpy.input_text('string', str, 256) bimpy.slider_float("float", f, 0.0, 1.0) .. figure:: https://i.imgur.com/rL7cFj7.png :alt: hello-world Display image: .. code:: python import bimpy from PIL import Image ctx = bimpy.Context() ctx.init(800, 800, "Image") image = Image.open("test.png") im = bimpy.Image(image) while(not ctx.should_close()): with ctx: bimpy.text("Display PIL Image") bimpy.image(im) .. figure:: https://i.imgur.com/wiDGRpr.png :alt: hello-world Similarly, numpy arrays with 2 dimensions, 3 dimensions (2, 3 or 4 channels) of type **np.uint8** can be displayed. More examples here: https://github.com/podgorskiy/bimpy/blob/master/examples/image.py Install ======= Installation is easy since the package does not have dependencies: .. code:: shell pip install bimpy Or you can build and install from sources: .. code:: shell python setup.py install All c/c++ sources are built with distutils. All you need is a compiler with C++11 support. Windows users, who use python 2.7 may encounter problems, because on Windows, python 2.7 uses MSVC 9.0, which doesn't have support for c++11. However, you still can build it with more recent MSVC (for example MSVC 14.0, which is Visual C++ 2015) using the commands below: .. code:: shell call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%\VsDevCmd.bat" set VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS140COMNTOOLS% python setup.py install If building on Linux, the following dependencies will be needed: .. code:: shell sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev libxcursor-dev To build all wheels for linux package distribution (manylinux) run `build_manylinux_wheels.sh`. For testing/debugging there is a CMakeList.txt included. It is not used by setup.py, but can be handy in order to build/debug package from certain IDEs. How to use it? ============== Intro ----- **bimpy** is python binding for `dear imgui `__ and tries to match the C++ API. Also, it has some additional functions to create a window and some other differences. It has binding for the most functions from **dear imgui**. All functions are renamed from **CamelCase** to **snake_case**, which is more common for python. For example ``ImGui::InputText`` is mapped to ``bimpy.input_text``. Context and window ------------------ First of all, you need to import **bimpy** .. code:: python import bimpy Distinctively from **dear imgui**, bimpy does not have global state (**dear imgui** has it by default, but it has an option not to have one). So, you will need to create a context. .. code:: python ctx = bimpy.Context(width, height, name) Where integers *width* and *height* specify the size of the window, and string *name* is a caption of the window. All calls to **bimpy**'s API must be within *with* statement applied to the context object: .. code:: python with ctx: bimpy.text("Hello, world!") And there must be only one *with* statement applied to the context object per frame. Or, a second option is to manualy call ``ctx.new_frame()`` before all API calls, and then ``ctx.render()`` after. .. code:: python ctx.new_frame() bimpy.text("Hello, world!") ctx.render() You can have multiple *Context* objects for multiple windows, however, API is not thread-safe. Variables ------------------ All **imgui** API that provides user input (such as *InputText*, *SliderFloat*, etc.) modifies the variable through the reference to it. However, in python, such objects as integers, floats and strings are passed always by value. Because of this, **bimpy** provides special wrappers, that allow passing those variables by reference. For example, to use *slider_float*, you will need first to create a variable that will hold the state: .. code:: python f = bimpy.Float(); You can access the value in the following way: ``f.value`` To use it with *slider_float* simply pass it to that function: .. code:: python bimpy.slider_float("float slider", f, 0.0, 1.0) All **imgui** input functions that provide multiple inputs, like *SliderFloat2*, *SliderInt4*, *InputInt3*, etc. are mapped to equivalent functions, but instead of passing an array of variables, you need to list all variables in the argument list: .. code:: python f1 = bimpy.Float(); f2 = bimpy.Float(); f3 = bimpy.Float(); while(not ctx.should_close()): with ctx: bimpy.slider_float3("float", f1, f2, f3, 0.0, 1.0) Draw commands ------------------ Some draw commands are exposed. In contrast to C++ API, the exposed functions are not methods of **ImDrawList**, but global functions. All drawing functions should be called inside the *begin/end* calls of a window. List of exposed drawing functions: .. code:: python add_circle(centre: _bimpy.Vec2, radius: float, col: int, num_segments: int=12, thickness: float=1.0) -> None add_circle_filled(centre: _bimpy.Vec2, radius: float, col: int, num_segments: int=12) -> None add_line(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, col: int, thickness: float=1.0) -> None add_quad(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, c: _bimpy.Vec2, d: _bimpy.Vec2, col: int, thickness: float=1.0) -> None add_quad_filled(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, c: _bimpy.Vec2, d: _bimpy.Vec2, col: int) -> None add_rect(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, col: int, rounding: float=0.0, rounding_corners_flags: int=Corner.All, thickness: float=1.0) -> None add_rect_filled(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, col: int, rounding: float=0.0, rounding_corners_flags: int=Corner.All) -> None add_rect_filled_multicolor(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, col_upr_left: int, col_upr_right: int, col_bot_right: int, col_bot_lefs: int) -> None add_triangle(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, c: _bimpy.Vec2, col: int, thickness: float=1.0) -> None add_triangle_filled(a: _bimpy.Vec2, b: _bimpy.Vec2, c: _bimpy.Vec2, col: int) -> None Simple usage example below: .. figure:: https://i.imgur.com/MU5Vhfl.png :alt: hello-world .. code:: python import bimpy import numpy as np ctx = bimpy.Context() ctx.init(1200, 1200, "Draw Commands Test") with ctx: bimpy.themes.set_light_theme() DATA_POINTS = bimpy.Int(30) CLASTERS = bimpy.Int(4) std = bimpy.Float(0.5) colors = [0x4b19e6, 0x4bb43c, 0x19e1ff, 0xc88200, 0x3182f5, 0xb41e91, 0xf0f046, 0xf032e6, 0xd2f53c, 0xfabebe, 0x008080, 0xe6beff, 0xaa6e28, 0xfffac8, 0x800000, 0xaaffc3, 0x808000, 0xffd8b1, 0x000080, 0x808080, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000] datapoints = [] def generate_fake_data(): datapoints.clear() for i in range(CLASTERS.value): x = np.random.normal(size=(DATA_POINTS.value, 2)) alpha = np.random.rand() scale = std.value * np.random.rand(2) * np.eye(2, 2) position = np.random.rand(2) * 5 rotation = np.array([[np.cos(alpha), np.sin(alpha)], [-np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha)]]) x = np.matmul(x, scale) x = np.matmul(x, rotation) x += position datapoints.append((x, rotation, position, scale)) axis = x = np.array([[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]]) while not ctx.should_close(): ctx.new_frame() bimpy.set_next_window_pos(bimpy.Vec2(20, 20), bimpy.Condition.Once) bimpy.set_next_window_size(bimpy.Vec2(800, 600), bimpy.Condition.Once) bimpy.begin("Drawings") window_pos = bimpy.get_window_pos() center = bimpy.Vec2(100, 100) + window_pos m = 100.0 for i in range(len(datapoints)): (x, R, P, S) = datapoints[i] for j in range(x.shape[0]): point = bimpy.Vec2(x[j, 0], x[j, 1]) bimpy.add_circle_filled(point * m + center, 5, 0xAF000000 + colors[i], 100) axis_ = np.matmul(axis, S * 2.0) axis_ = np.matmul(axis_, R) + P bimpy.add_line( center + bimpy.Vec2(axis_[0, 0], axis_[0, 1]) * m, center + bimpy.Vec2(axis_[1, 0], axis_[1, 1]) * m, 0xFFFF0000, 1) bimpy.add_line( center + bimpy.Vec2(axis_[2, 0], axis_[2, 1]) * m, center + bimpy.Vec2(axis_[3, 0], axis_[3, 1]) * m, 0xFFFF0000, 1) bimpy.end() bimpy.set_next_window_pos(bimpy.Vec2(20, 640), bimpy.Condition.Once) bimpy.set_next_window_size(bimpy.Vec2(800, 140), bimpy.Condition.Once) bimpy.begin("Controls") bimpy.input_int("Data points count", DATA_POINTS) bimpy.input_int("Clasters count", CLASTERS) bimpy.slider_float("std", std, 0.0, 3.0) if bimpy.button("Generate data"): generate_fake_data() bimpy.end() ctx.render() Acknowledgements ================ * robobuggy https://github.com/gfannes * njazz https://github.com/njazz * Florian Rott https://github.com/sauberfred * zakx https://github.com/zakx * Joel Linn https://github.com/JoelLinn Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`